Christa Donner (US): ANTIbody project

Chicago-based artist Christa Donner will interview groups of local teenagers to ask for their advice on dealing with illness, injury, and body-image issues. The artist will then transcribe and translate these brief interviews into photocopied brochures and distribute them by hand across Kuopio. Donner’s project at ANTI allows young people to speak as experts on issues surrounding the body and identity, while providing those in search of advice with a series of unexpected perspectives beyond those usually offered by pharmaceutical companies and medical specialists.

Christa Donner (US)

Doner uses large-scale drawing, small-press publications, comics and animations to map new models for the body based on sensation and imagination. Her work is interwoven with a variety of interactions with individuals and communities, often starting from interviews with hospital patients, young people, or citizens approached on the street. These interactions are then translated into a variety of media, provoking dialogue around the uncontrollable nature of our bodies and the re-visioning of powerful alternative anatomies.