TRES (ES): Blackout concert #16

The blackout concerts focus on listening attentively to the existing continous flat sounds present in the chosen venues as they are gradually switched off based on their situation and intensity. Ultimately the maximum level of silence is reached. By doing so, we experience the surgical dissection of the ambient sounds pervasive throughout our lives: the random mass of blows and hums that fill the rooms where machines are running at work and at home. During the process of gradually switching off these machines and lights, we experience the discovery of soundscapes more clear and defined, each time holding greater presence of silence. The final destination of this audio voyage is darkness and the new resulting atmosphere of regression to silence in its natural treshold where the quality of listening becomes perfect. Approximate duration: 30min. Punctuality is requested. Once the concert has started it will not be possible to enter the venue.

TRES is an interdisciplinary artist that concentrates his work on the investigation and experimentation with silence. The silent cocktails and concerts, the public “turn-offs” of noisy spots and lights, the musical and video pieces, the installations and ceremonies so diverse which TRES has been producing for over a decade have a common denominator, that of experimenting with alternative ways in which the individual usually relates to himself and others and, by and large to its environment. These are ways that are often unconsciously stolen from noises capable of distorting and perverting those relationships.