Tim Knowles (UK): Live windwalks
Tim Knowles observes the world as a contemporary flaneur, approaching his work with playfulness, curiosity, chance and inventiveness. In Live Windwalks Knowles sets off walking, guided solely by the wind. For this piece he has created an extraordinary wind vane mounted to a helmet; helmets will be available for members of the audience too, who can join Knowles or simply watch as he meanders though the city blown one way then the other as the wind changes and falters within the cities form.
Tim Knowles (UK)
“Chance plays a crucial part in my work, akin to scientific experimentation, a situation is engineered in which the work is produced by factors beyond my control. It is the wind, rippling of water, motion of a vehicle, postmen, insects or players of a game that unwittingly determine the outcome of the work. For the Windwalks I become an avatar or pawn of a system, a performative process which dictates my movements through the landscape”