Sonja Jokiniemi (FI): Scratch

Finnish dance and live art artist Sonja Jokiniemi works with movement as a form of mark-making. Looking at ideas of territory and belonging, Scratch inhabits an abandoned space and explores its actual and possible pasts through an expanded idea of the writer’s body. This intimate work – part performance, part installation – asks us to consider the various histories of a space and those of the body that attempts to navigate it.

Sonja Jokiniemi (FI)

Sonja Jokiniemi lives in Kuopio, Finland. She has lived, worked and studied in the UK and Ireland for the past seven years and returned to Finland in fall 2009. She has shown performances in Finland, Sweden, UK, Germany and Ireland. She is currently working on In between [sketches] and is an artist in residence at the Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland.