Politics and Poetics of Water seminar

Wednesday 20.9.2017
12:00 – 15:00 University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio | Yliopistonranta Street 1 E

This year, ANTI Festival will organise a seminar in collaboration with Our Water-Conscious Land project, The University of Eastern Finland and the brand design company Ad Kiivi. The seminar presents contributors from a range of disciplines united by a common interest in water.

The seminar will take place on Wednesday 20th September 2017 in the main auditorium of
the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio.


11.30 – 12.30 Pop-up coffee service at the lobby

12.15 Opening
Haapaniemi School 6th Graders

12.25 Welcome
Prof. Maija-Riitta Hirvonen, Head of the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
University of Eastern Finland

12.30 Greetings from City of Kuopio
Kirsi Soininen, Marketing Director

12.40 Watermeets Kuopio: About the project with Kuopion Vesi for ANTI Festival 2017
Minty Donald & Nick Millar (UK), Artist, ANTI Festival 2017

12.50 Finland, Enhancing Global Water Security
Antti Rautavaara, Senior Water Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

13.10 Talking aquatic forensics and watery bodies
Andrew Mottershead from the artist duo French & Mottershead (UK), Artist,  ANTI Festival 2017

13.30 Demonstrations from Water Wonderlab Game Jam
Tiina Arpola & Antti Kotimaa, Savonia University of Applied Sciences & Games  for Health Finland

13.45 Panel Discussion: Finland and Water 100 years

Moderator: Ricardo Patino, Ad Kiivi

Ilkka Miettinen, Chief Researcher, National Institute for Health and Welfare
Simo Pehkonen, Professor University of Eastern Finland
Samuel Hartikainen, Researcher, University of Eastern Finland
Eero Antikainen, Research Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Milla Martikainen, Artist, ANTI Festival 2017
Andrew Mottershead, Artist, ANTI Festival 2017

Audience discussion

14.45 Water, water what are you?
Haapaniemi School 6th Graders

Presentation desks in the lobby:

UEF, ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival, Ad Kiivi, Kuopion Vesi, Finnish Water Forum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minty Donald & Nick Millar (UK): Watersmeets Kuopio

Our Water-Conscious Land is a project that proposes Finland, in its centenary year, should work as a global advocate for clean water and its preservation and conservation.


Politics and Poetics of Water seminar

How to Get There?

University of Eastern Finland

Yliopistonranta Street 1 E