PechaKucha Night Kuopio vol. 8: Public Space – for Us?
Tuesday 1st September 8 pm. (Mylly, Minna Canthin katu 4 A, 4th floor)
Public Space – for Us? deals with the themes of urban spaces and their usage. What kinds of possibilities or restrictions are related to using public spaces, to whom do they belong and what there can be done? Presenters explore the theme from the perspectives of their personal backgrounds.
The presenters of the night are ANTI artist Sandra Hall, regional artist for desing and architecture Anu Muurinen, Helmi Korhonen from association working for youth wellbeing, local cultural activist and artist Anja Hautamäki and Mikko Parviainen from a local urban art association.
The night will also be the opening of ANTI Festival’s Open Spaces ESR project. The presentations mostly in Finnish.