Kirsi Pitkänen (FI): Proclaimer

The city hall is the administrational heart and center of each city which represents the people. It is the lap, which, however, seems to hide so much bureaucracy and decision-making filled with mysterious red-tape gibberish in its arms that a layman may feel dizzy just by entering the place through its heavy doors into the grand and echoing hallways – not to mention even daring to publicly protest against those nerve-racking social defects. A remarkably easier, more anonymous and safer way forward would be to grab the phone and talk your mind to the hotline of the Savon Sanomat. There the neighbours, decisionmakers, dog owners, dogs, dog shit as well as the young, the old, spouses, alcohol taxation, the rich, the loved ones, secret lovers all get their fair share… you could basically say that the overall human and animal kind included.

Pitkänen noted that unfortunately many locals let these important opinions of individual citizens recklessly pass and she wanted to make the voice of the people more loud and clear. The misery ringing out from the depths of the city hall will not leave anybody cold.

Kirsi Pitkänen (FI)

Kirsi Pitkänen is residing in Kuopio and she has emphasized especially performances and installations in her art and she often combines light, sound and videos in her works. Furthermore, she observes people, society and its various phenomena and takes ideas for her works from some current topics. Pitkänen deals with social topics often through irony as the humour makes the message of the work easier to approach for the viewer. Taking a stand on things is an important factor in her works as it is her way to convey the message for others.