getinthebackofthevan (UK):Weight me down

The gym; some go to relax, some go to sweat. For those who prefer to sweat, it’s a place of strictly timed seconds, repeated repetitions and committed physical activity. For WEIGH ME DOWN, here are the rules of engagement: a performer runs on a treadmill for the first 90 minutes of every 2 hours, for a total of 12 hours. As they run, they read aloud continuously from a list of thousands of apologies. During each 30-minute break from running, the performer remains by the treadmill and may not speak at all.

Here’s how you can help: go and support the runner during the marathon session by sending your apology – to whoever or whatever you owe an apology – to: All apologies sent to the project will appear anonymously in the performance.

“I run.I speak. I cannot breathe.

Again and again and again.

I will not walk properly for days.

I have said.

I am sorry.”

getinthebackofthevan (UK)

GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN are based in London and have been creating theatrical events, durational performances and performance lectures since 2009.