Amos Latteier (CA): Can Bears Fly? workshop
Can teddy bears fly? Find out for yourself by building wings or a parachute, attaching them to a stuffed animal, and launching it from 30 meters up. Lift your brave flying animal into the air with a huge kite and then send it flying back to earth.Become an amateur inventor and build your own stuffed animal flying machine. After your flight, you and your stuffed animal will get a medal of bravery. Then it’s time to refine your flying machine and do it again.
The project provides fun and hands-on science education for children aged 3-12. You can bring your own small stuffed animals or use the ones provided. You can book your place in advance at
Amos Latteier (CA)
Amos Latteier is a Montréal-based interdisciplinary artist who creates interactive public art using technology and performs PowerPoint lectures. He uses humor and technology to explore education, science and nature. His recent projects include a location-specific nature haiku by sms project, a telephone-operated karaoke protest song project, a pigeon condo, a historical recreation of Alexander Graham Bell’s huge tetrahedral kites, a 500lb potato battery, and a chainsaw-powered walking machine.