Shared Futures workshops

Welcome to reflect on and get a sense of the future. What kind of a city and world we would like to leave behind for future generations?

Workshops are free of charge and anyone over 60 is welcome to join them. At the workshops, participants explore their home town, and the related memories and feelings it evokes.

Walking, drawing, exploring, and movement and sound will lead us to a journey into our city and our wishes for its future. In this work, we will make use of familiar and unfamiliar maps and create new ones. The workshops also include familiarisation with the opportunities brought by the latest technology for perceiving and exploring the world.

Together, we will think about what our dream future would be like and what we could learn from listening to one another and our living environment carefully and with all our senses.

The workshops are guided by artists Emma Fält and Anna-Maria Väisänen.


Kohtaamo (Kuopio main library, Maaherrankatu 12 / Museokatu 1)
This is an accessible space.


On Mondays at 10:00 – 12.00 o’clock

14 March
21 March
28 March

On Mondays at 10:00 – 12:30 o’clock

4 April
11 April
25 April

2 May
16 May
23 May
30 May

6 June

Wednesday 10–12:30

15 June, open for everyone

No need to sign up in advance. Welcome!

Safe participation

The arrangements made for the workshops pay attention to any restrictions and guidelines related to the coronavirus situation. The maximum number of participants in the workshop is 15 persons.

Let’s make the workshops safe for all participants. Please only take part if you are healthy. When you come to the workshop, follow the instructions given by the instructors:

wash your hands
wear a face mask
keep a safe distance to others (2 metres)
avoid physical touch with other participants.

Hand sanitiser and face masks are available in the workshop space.

More information

Suvi Koivisto / / 050 303 7565

The Shared Futures workshops are part of the IKO Cultural Wellbeing for Older People project that promotes the welfare of older people through art. The project is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and it is implemented in cooperation with the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Theatre Centre, the Culture for All service and the Aili network. In Kuopio, ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival is responsible for the implementation of the IKO project.