Writer-researcher Season Butler joins ANTI team as Co-Curator

The programme of the ANTI Festival has always been curated in collaboration. This year, writer-researcher Season Butler joins the ANTI team to collaborate with Lead Curator Elisa Itkonen.

– Co-curating with Season Butler is a smooth step towards even more sustainable and dialogical curatorial methods at ANTI. Through collaboration, we can more ecologically maintain and develop our networks within the international live art scene, says ANTI Festival’s Lead Curator Elisa Itkonen.

Butler’s role focuses on the development of the ANTI Festival International Prize for Live Art and the artistic programme related to the Prize. Currently, Butler and Itkonen are working together on the Prize shortlist for 2025 that is based on nominations from 12 international live art experts. In addition, Butler contributes ythe overall curation of the 2025 festival programme.

Season Butler has been a friend of the ANTI Festival and has been involved with  the festival in various roles since 2011. In recent years, Butler has contributed to the festival’s programme, including participating in the artistic Advisory Board and serving on the shortlisting committee for the Live Art Prize.

– ANTI Festival made an indelible impression on me upon my first visit, more than a decade ago, and it was immediately clear that it is a vital part of the global Live Art landscape. The festival creates a home for profound, troubling and transformative encounters. It is a thrill and a privilege to play a part in its ongoing evolution, says Butler.

Welcome to the ANTI team, Season!

Article photo:
Season Butler. Kuvaaja: Christa Holka.