Workshop: Sensing the Urban Space

At 14-18, guidance available

At 14-18, independently

At 16-18, independently

At 12-16, guidance available


The walk starts from gallery Ars Libera.
Maaherrankatu 3
70100 Kuopio


15 minutes – 1 hour.


The tour can be experienced independently in English, Swedish, Arabic and Finnish.

Guidance is available in English and Finnish.


You can decide how much time you spend at the workshop. The workshop is suitable for people of all ages.
Unfortunately, the venue is not accessible. See more information.

The students from Art and Media Department of Aalto University will carry out diverse projects, interventions, performances and exhibitions in public spaces.

What kind of an impression do you get from an urban space when spending time and moving there in a new and uncommon way? Follow a route created by your senses in the urban space. What is the Kuopio like that you find yourself entering using your different senses? Does it change your perspective on the urban space?

Sensing the Urban Space is a workshop organised by students from the Art Education Degree Programme at Aalto University. The Ars Libera gallery serves as the home base for the workshop. Participants can visit the gallery to pick up cards that guide them in making observations of Kuopio based on their sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. The cards encourage you to experience the urban space based on your sensory experiences and perhaps discover some elements in the environment that you have never noticed before. What kind of a journey can your sense of smell or touch lead you to? You can document and share this route with the working group, which will use the material as the basis for compiling a minor exhibition at Ars Libera.

Take part in the Sensing the Urban Space workshop with guidance on specific days or independently by picking up the sensory cards from the gallery. Participants move around in the urban space independently. Starting from the first workshop day, the documentation on the workshop will be displayed at the Ars Libera gallery during its opening hours. There is no age limit for participation.

This project is part of a long-term collaboration between ANTI Festival and Aalto University, in which the festival serves as a platform for a course in artistic research.