How to find Culture Workshop Konepaja
The festival opening and Dear Laila many other events are located in the Culture Workshop Konepaja, Männistö area. Here you can find instructions how to find the place.
We recommend arriving by foot, bike or bus. Nearest bus stops are Kullervonpuisto, Killisenkatu ja Mäntytori. Bus lines 4, 8 ja 23 arrive from city center. Bus schedules and routes (Vilkku).
Google Maps guides you to right place with name Kuopion Kulttuurikonepaja / ANTI Festival. See the place in Google Maps.
The events are located in the building that is closest to Kullervonkatu. If you arrive via Kullervonkatu, you need to turn to a narrow gravel road from Kullervonkatu. You will see ANTI Festival signs.
When approaching the Konepaja from Pohjolankatu:
- Navigate to address Pohjolankatu 1
- Turn right to the industrial area
- Walk through the industrial area, pass by buildings towards Kullervonkatu end of the area
- The events are located in the building that is closest to Kullervonkatu
- There are signs in the area guiding you the right way.
The image below might help: