Yks kaks kerrostalojen keskellä piippu

At 16:00

At 13:00


Hermanninaukio 10,
Outdoors under the Haapaniemi chimney

The work examines the surroundings of a red brick chimney located in the Haapaniemi neighbourhood in Kuopio and the residents’ relationships with the chimney.

Visual artist Suvi Nurmi and dance artist Lotta Halinen‘s site-spesific work is an ode to the chimney of the old roller mill in Haapaniemi. The work utilizes the performance space that naturally arises at the foot of the chimney, for which the surrounding apartment houses with their balconies form an amphitheater-like stand. The work gives a voice to the residents of housing estates built around the chimney, whom Suvi Nurmi has interviewed. Nurmi has compiled a new text from the residents’ authentic speeches and newspaper articles about the pipe, which will be heard in the piece as spoken by local voice actors. Lotta Halinen brings a new level to the text with a movement based on it, where the manifold shapes of the pipe’s root come into their own. The work is part of the multidisciplinary Piippumuistoja (‘Chimney Memories’) project supported by Kone Foundation that examines the meaning of old factory chimneys to the local identity in five Finnish localities.

The event is organized in the framework of the Future DiverCities 2 project, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Article photo:
Photo by: Akseli Muraja.